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Arts Path (Federation Walk)

The Prospect Community


Extract from Prospect Review 1987 : "A bold new concept involving local community participation in public works about to get underway in Prospect. This project encourages local residents to mark their own designs on clay tiles which will be fired and laid to form a walking path around City of Prospect. This project is being organised jointly by the Prospect Council and the local Rotary Club. For $1, people will be able to make their mark for the future by going to the Rotary stall at the Prospect Fair on March 14. On that day alone it is anticipated that over 1000 tiles will be marked with designs, poems, symbols and messages ready for firing. The first section of the path will be laid in St Helens Park during 1987. Eventually the path will lead through most areas of the City, taking in places of historical interest, murals, painted stobie poles, parks and gardens. It will be designed to enable people to incorporate walks along the path with picnics in any one of the reserves along the way".

About the artists

The Prospect Community has led the way in South Australia from the mid 1970s creating some of the strongest community led public art installations that had been seen in the state, and for some of the projects, they were an Australian first. Public Art in Prospect is broad, and often has a community element through collaboration, events, and local artists. Recognised as starting in 1978, Public Art in Prospect is something that the Council has always valued as an important part of the community fabric.

1987 onwards


Artwork Location

St Helens Park, 39 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082, Australia

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